The Upward Journey
What is the Upward Journey?
The Upward Journey is designed to help you discover God’s unique purpose for your life and help you see how you can live the life that He has created for you. The Journey is made up of two consecutive weeks that will help equip you to Connect to the church, Discover the strengths of your intentional design, and help you to start using your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
Week One – Become a Partner (First Sunday of each month)
Connect with Upward and discover the ins and outs of the church, learn details about beliefs, leadership and church government, how we intentionally organize our church. You will also have the opportunity to become a Partner of Upward. Step One takes place the first Sunday of every month.
Week Two – Discover Your Design / Discover Your Ministry (Second Sunday of each month)
Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and begin the journey of discovering your purpose in life and how you can make a difference in the lives of others. This week you will also find out what it means to make a difference here at Upward. Get ready to hear how you can connect to the opportunities available to live out your purpose and serve others, and truly make a difference right here at Upward. Step Two takes place the second Sunday of every month.
Why should I do it?
You may be wondering how you can plug in and get on a serve team here at Upward. Or you may have heard of something called "membership" at other churches (we call it "partnership") and are interested in becoming one.
Well the Upward Journey is the place for you. We specifically designed this path for anyone that wants to experience a deeper church life.
So, whether you are looking to get your hands dirty and start serving, or if you are just looking for a way to connect better with the church and it's people; the Upward Journey is the place for you.
By the way this path isn't just for newcomers! Whether you've been attending for 2 weeks or 2 years; if you are looking for a way to be more connected with your church body we have saved a spot for you!
What happens when I'm finished?
Once you are finished with the Upward Journey you can expect at least the following outcomes:
- To learn all about Upward, who we are, and what we believe in, as well as an opportunity to become a partner (other churches call this "membership").
- To learn about yourself. Each class has a whole section where we will provide you with personality tests as well as a spiritual gifts test. We will complete these within the session and discuss what you can do with your results.
- To hear about some awesome serving opportunities specifically catered for you. Both within the church, and outside of it.
In addition to these three outcomes you will also be able to connect with us and other church goers around you.
How can I sign up?
If you are ready to sign up to be apart of this journey; awesome!! You can do that be clicking the button below. And remember that The Upward Journey takes place the first three Sundays of every month. We can't wait to see you there!